Thursday, April 10, 2008

Lewis Black Sucks

Big guy comes in, starts screaming about God knows what, maybe Halpert had stolen his car or something. Big Guy pulls out a sock full of nickels, then Schrute pulls out a can of hairspray and a lighter...THE OFFICE COMES BACK TONIGHT! Sweet, I'm pumped. Not 2-pump-chump pumped, like excited pumped. It was so fucking nice outside today too. Too bad I have to work, but oh well whatcha gonna do. Pilot's going good, got about a third of it written. Okay enough with the bullshit, time for the good stuff.

Don't you hate people who try to present themselves as being more intelligent than they actually are? You know, the dudes and chicks that type out shit for myspace then run it through a thesaurus and only list obscure movies and bands that they listen to that they actually never listened to and just saw that someone who's doing the exact same thing also pretended to like them. Then they take pictures of their shoes and pencils at a 67 degree angle and try to pull it off as being some groundbreaking piece of photography. I'm not quite sure the exact angle is 67, but it'd be too conformist to say something like 45 so I figured I'd stick to the theme at hand. Pictures become "photographs" and movies become "films" these people suck. The worst part is that most of the chicks that do this are really hot, it's such a waste of a hot person. You also tend to notice that the majority of these people are just like starting to hit puberty. How the fuck can you think your life is so unique and fulfilling when you barely have a full set of fur on your peaches? My favorite is when you ask them what kind of movies they like, they answer "INDEPENDENT ONES, INDEPENDENT MUSIC!" Actually they wouldn't use caps or the "!" because that's not very articulate. Like, independent like the Confederacy? A movie is a fucking movie who cares if it's independent or Steven Spielberg made it with a quarter-trillion dollar budget. The absolute worst part is that these people ruin really great things, the mere fact that someone who fits the following description likes something as much as I do then it looses all it's personal value to me.

SO! I was watching Walk Hard last night and realized how badass Buddy Holly's frames are, I think I might get some similar ones. Okay I'm done for today.


Anonymous said...

i didnt see anything about lewis black in there...

Dan Biss said...

MAN DO I LIKE INDEPENDENT FILMS AND MUSIC! I THINK THAT MY PICTURES OF MY SHOES ARE SO MOVING AND UNIQUE! whoops i forgot how im supposed to type, i should've did that in italics and a fancy font

Anonymous said...

fuck that independent music shit, Johnny Gestapo FTW