How come on the internet people say shit like "haha" and "lol" at stuff that isn't even remotely funny, and had no intention to be funny in the first place? "Hey what's up?" "lol nutin." How is that funny? Last time I checked a basic polite greeting wasn't some groundbreaking hilarious comedy routine, but maybe I'm wrong.
Okay, time for the main event. It's not easy being pale as fuck. I mean, I don't mind it but the blond eyebrows and eyelashes put me from a smokin 10 to a slammin 8 in the eyes of some chicks (and dudes I don't leave any social group out). Now, being pale leaves me at large to have pale heroes, so I'm going to rundown the greatest pale men to ever walk the face of this earth.
1. Philip Seymour Hoffman

Now, I'm not going to go into great detail all over again about this big hunk of burnin oscar winning love, but I will garentee he prolly punched Reese Witherspoon in the cunt after this picture was taken, she indeed does deserve it.
2. Jim Gaffigan

Gaffigan is one hell of a comedian, and he is also Philip Seymour Hoffman's evil twin, which definitely grants him access to the hall of pale fame.
3. Mike White

This is the dude that wrote School of Rock and Orange County, 2 great comedies that no matter how much everyone tools on them, I will always enjoy. He's Ned fucking Schneebly, don't mess.
4. Paul Lieberstein

TOBY! Not only a cast member on my favorite show of all time, he is also a regular writer. Everyone is such a bully to the poor guy, I just wanna give him a hug.
Okay, that's it for today. I started pre-production on my pilot so more info regarding that next time. PEAAAAAAAAACE
Ouch that would hurt to get punched in the cunt. I am glad I am not a women to feel that shit.
I laugh at the fact where your bashing internet lingo such as haha and lol. If I remember correctly, when ever I say something, and I am serious about 80% of the time I talk to you, your response is always haha or bahaha.
And come one, kids dig the albino kid.
Here is a joke, what do you get when you put three albinos and a regular white kid together?
what is this 'pilot' you speak of? and when will we be seeing some of your songs from your pop album?
LOLOLO HAHAHAHAH i agree with the walken fella. When will the rumored album be released? Also, are the things said in the truth about White Lightning valid.
Roger needs to be punched in and around one of his several cunts.
you forgot conan o'brien!!
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